
and #Questrfullofbras frilly bits, crinolines, Andorrean wetsuits, armour …. probably BRACES (but our doc would never wear them! She’s fashion conscious but above all pragmatic – those hammerspace pocketsses. Can you see her in a hat? Helmet yes hat …. maybe on that vacation she’s always trying for though Doctor Who Velocity is rocking the Boy … More #tardisfullofbras

Episode 16 the Doctor and the Cyber Invasion pt2

Written by Adam Brooks and edited by Carolyn Rutter and Jaspreet Singh The season finale! Subtitle ‘Warehouse 13’ Find out exactly what those cybers are up to and just why does that refugee crew member sound so robotic? Cast Narrator – Dian Smith Technician at Penrith Observatory – Richard Butler Duty Officer – Marie Butler-Cole Doctor 2 … More Episode 16 the Doctor and the Cyber Invasion pt2